IELTS Results Service

A simple and secure way to receive IELTS results.

Organisations that accept IELTS results can access the IELTS Results Service. This service is secure, free, and simple to use.

The IELTS Results Service allows you to:

  • look up a result via a Test Report Form number to verify the test taker's identity and score
  • receive results from test takers securely using our e-delivery service
  • review results on screen, or download results for import into your own system
  • set up an API to import results into your own system automatically.

Log in to your account

For all organisations - Log in to my account

Close up of hand writing in an exam

Update your details

If you need to update your organisation's registration details, you can do so by using our registration form. This includes the option to amend your minimum score requirements, whether you will accept results from IELTS Academic tests taken online, or to update the way you receive IELTS results.

Red pen on a white desk

Register now to accept IELTS

Find out more about the benefits of accepting IELTS results and register today.

IELTS One Skill Retake icon

IELTS One Skill Retake

IELTS One Skill Retake allows test takers to reattempt one of the four skills from each complete IELTS test: Listening, Reading, Writing or Speaking.

Validity period of IELTS test results

The IELTS partners recommend that an IELTS result demonstrates a test taker’s English language ability for a maximum period of two years, based upon the well-documented phenomenon of second language loss or “attrition”. We recommend that an IELTS Test Report Form which is more than two years old should only be accepted if it is accompanied by proof that the test taker has actively maintained, or tried to improve, their English.

Verifying IELTS test results beyond two years

You can verify a Test Report Form older than two years. The IELTS Results Service will display Test Report Forms for the maximum amount of time possible according to relevant Data Protection legislation. It is our policy that we cannot further investigate TRFs that are more than three years old.

I was able to log in, download the scores and forward them to our admissions team. This has really helped us speed up the application process. Love it!

Rajesh Adhikari, Ramapo College of New Jersey

As part of our assessment processes all IELTS reports are verified using the online IELTS Results Service. Access to this site has enabled us to ensure that the IELTS results we receive are genuine. Using the Test Report Form website consistently helps us to trust that the scores we are receiving are genuine. The website is very user-friendly, and I would recommend it to anyone who assesses English ability using IELTS.

Julianne O'Brien, Skilled and Business Migration Program, Australian Capital Territory