IELTS for higher education
Looking to verify the language proficiency of potential students? IELTS is trusted by universities, colleges, and academic institutions across the world to help process applications.

IELTS for immigration
IELTS is the only test that is trusted for migration purposes by all four of the Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, and UK governments.

IELTS for professional associations
IELTS works with professional associations, peak bodies/trade associations, and regulators to ensure that potential members are proficient in English at all levels.

IELTS for employers
If you operate in an English-speaking environment, IELTS can help you to identify global applicants who have the language proficiency to succeed in your industry.

IELTS for teachers
Teachers play an integral role in getting students ready for a test. Here you will find information and resources on everything from research to professional development.

Get in touch
If you have a question about IELTS, our team will be happy to help.