Why accept IELTS?
IELTS is the world's most popular test for verifying English language ability. If you work in a country where English is spoken or use English with international colleagues, IELTS sets you and your team up for success.
Testing you can trust
IELTS has a well-earned reputation for fairness, reliability, and exacting standards. We go to great lengths to ensure that we provide results that you can trust.

IELTS scoring
IELTS makes it easy for you to assess whether a candidate’s English-language skills are sufficient for entry into your organisation. Results are given as an overall score on the IELTS scale, and broken down for each test section (Listening, Reading, Writing and Speaking).
Research backed
IELTS tests are based on decades of rigorous academic research.

How IELTS compares to other tests
Want to know how IELTS compares to other tests? We have a range of resources to help employers to ensure all applicants are treated fairly.

Setting IELTS entry scores
IELTS makes it easy for you to set your own entry score and assess whether a candidate’s English-language skills are suitable for your organisation.

Verifying IELTS results
Employers that accept IELTS are given complimentary access to the IELTS Results Service. Secure, free, and simple to use, it helps to ensure the accuracy and validity of applications.

Ready to join us?
Join thousands of employers across the globe who trust IELTS for their English language assessment.