IELTS is backed by rigorous research. For more than 30 years, IELTS has worked to advance the field of English language learning and assessment, funding academic study that helps to continually improve our tests.

Latest research
Here you can find a collection of the latest research carried out by the IELTS Partners and IELTS-supported academics from across the globe.
Areas of interest
IELTS funds research into three key areas of English language learning and assessment.
Technology and innovation
IELTS uses emerging technologies to improve the assessment experience.
Fairness, impact, and validation
Continuing our commitment to trust and fairness through rigorous research.
Test preparation and context of use
Helping test takers achieve their goals and prepare for success beyond the test is an important part of the IELTS model.
Funding and awards
Qualified individuals and institutions are invited to apply for funding to conduct research to support the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).