If you work in one of the thousands of organisations around the world which trust IELTS test scores, you’ve probably already used our online verification service. We’re sure you will agree the service gives you that extra layer of reassurance because it provides a fantastic way to check your applicants really have the skills they need. But that’s not to say we can’t improve the system, and we have! We’ve been talking to users all over the world to find out what improvements they would like to see from the system, and we have some exciting news to share!
We’ve relaunched this service globally as the IELTS Results Service, with a whole host of new and improved features that will save you time and enhance your user experience. If you are already using the service, you can jump straight to number 6 to read more about the new features. But if you are new to the service or would like a quick refresher, here are the basics:
1. What is the IELTS Results Service?
It’s an online resource that allows universities, employers, government departments, and other Recognising Organisations to check applicants’ IELTS test scores quickly and easily. It’s used to help prevent fraud and make it easier to select applicants with university-ready language skills. The service is very popular and is trusted by thousands of organisations all over the world.
2. Why do we need it?
The IELTS Results Service is a key part of the multi-layered approach to security which IELTS uses to ensure that you can really trust IELTS scores. You can make your admissions process more secure by using the IELTS Results Service to verify or download scores.
3. How can it help me?
If you are responsible for university admissions, recruitment, or visa applications, the IELTS Results Service helps you check or download test takers’ results. You can see their personal details, scores by section, and the photo taken on the day of the test, to ensure they are the person who actually took the test.
We recommend you receive your results electronically (E-Delivery) via the IELTS Results Service. This means you can use the ‘bulk download’ facility which allows you to access the results of all test takers who have applied to your institution as soon as the results are released, so that you can quickly match them to your system.
4. How does it work?
Test takers tell us the institutions they would like us to share their results with, then we take it from there. As soon as the results are released for each test session, we upload them to the IELTS Results Service. You can then log in and see the results of test takers who have asked us to share their results with you. You can view them individually or download a file giving the results of all the test takers who have applied to your institution.

5. How can I get started?
Register to become an IELTS Recognising Organisation. You’ll get access to the IELTS Results Service as well as other benefits, including being listed on our website which is visited by millions of people every year. We’ll verify your application and send you your login details to access the service.
Of course, if you have been using the IELTS Results Verification Service or the existing IELTS Results Service, you don’t need to do anything – you’ll be redirected to the new and improved IELTS Results Service next time you log on. However, if you’re not signed up to receive your results electronically (E-Delivery), we recommend you update your account details now to take advantage of the added features.
6. What’s new in the IELTS Results Service?
We have a whole package of new and improved facilities, based on consultation with our Recognising Organisations all over the world. These include:
- user-friendly interface – making it easier for you to get the information you need quickly
- enhanced security – dynamic multifactor login, using one-time passcodes.
And, if you’re set up to receive your results electronically (recommended), you can benefit from:
- quicker downloads – you can download new results quicker and more easily
- new email notifications – you don’t need to log in to check whether you have received new results; we’ll email you as soon as they are ready
- customised download templates – so you get the information you want in the format you want it
- setting your own date format – allowing localised date formats is part of our commitment to offering a truly global service.
Help and support
If you need any support or advice about the new features, there are lots of useful videos to guide you through the process in the Help tab of the IELTS Results Service.