Awards and scholarships

The IELTS Partners work together to deliver world-class English language testing based on decades' worth of expertise in the field. We offer several awards and scholarships to show our commitment to supporting the individuals and organisations doing good work in the sector.

Find out more about our awards and consider applying or nominating someone for an award via the following schemes:

  • Caroline Clapham IELTS Masters Award
  • IELTS Morgan Terry Memorial IATEFL Scholarship
  • IELTS USA Andrea Scott International Graduate Scholarship
  • IELTS USA Best Practices Award
  • English Australia IELTS Award for Academic Leadership.

Caroline Clapham IELTS Masters Award

The Caroline Clapham IELTS Masters Award is a £1000 prize awarded annually to the Master's-level dissertation or thesis in English that makes the most significant contribution to the field of language testing.

Submissions must be for a dissertation or thesis written in partial or total fulfilment of a Master's degree or its equivalent. A letter of support from your academic supervisor is a requirement for applying. The work should focus on language testing but does not have to include IELTS.

Theses submitted in one calendar year may be submitted for this award the following year.

IELTS Morgan Terry Memorial IATEFL Scholarship

In memory of Morgan Terry, who made significant contributions to the work of IELTS through teaching, teacher training and development of educational resources. This scholarship is awarded annually and covers the costs of IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) membership as well as travel to, and attendance at the Testing, Evaluation, and Assessment Special Interest Group’s (TEA SIG) pre-IATEFL conference event.

The award recognises those who develop educational activities or learning resources that could help prospective IELTS test takers prepare for their tests.

IELTS USA Andrea Scott International Graduate Scholarship

The IELTS USA Andrea Scott International Graduate Scholarship is designed to support an incoming international graduate student enrolling in an accredited US college or university. It is an annual tuition scholarship of $5000 (payable in US dollars only) renewable for three years pending good academic standing.

This award is given in honour of the late Andrea Scott, a dedicated international education colleague, and Senior Product Champion at IELTS USA. Andrea was an innovative higher education professional serving for many years as the Director of Admissions at the Graduate School at the University of Minnesota.

Scholarship recipients are expected to share Andrea's inspiring commitment to international education, and passion for globalisation, creative arts, and equal rights initiatives.

English Australia IELTS Award for Academic Leadership

The IELTS Partners and English Australia award this prize to celebrate those who make an outstanding contribution to ELICOS in Australia through their work as academic managers. The award is open to those working in selected roles at any Australian-based organisation registered on CRICOS to deliver ELICOS.

The winner receives a trophy and up to AU$1500 in travel and accommodation expenses to attend the English Australia Conference and accept their award at the English Australia Conference gala awards dinner.

IELTS USA Best Practices Award

This award recognises outstanding International Enrolment Management models in the United States. These should demonstrate innovative approaches to enhanced international student success through collaborations across departments.

Applicants must be employed by an accredited, degree-granting higher education institution in the US, or US territories that accepts IELTS. Awardees receive a presentation opportunity and registration for two at the annual NAFSA conference, as well as a plaque to be awarded at IELTS USA’s NAFSA Global Partner session.