Andrew Blackhurst talking at Going Global 2022

English proficiency and student success go hand in hand, according to IELTS experts





Date Published

15 December 2022

Experts from IELTS gave a masterclass on the crucial role English proficiency plays in higher education success, at a major conference in Singapore.

Over 200 higher education leaders gathered for Going Global 2022 and the IELTS team were there in full force. The talk from Cambridge’s Andrew Blackhurst (pictured) and British Council’s Stephen Carey gave an overview of English language proficiency challenges, the key skills that matter and the important role IELTS plays. The presentation included a look at the how IELTS is designed to suit higher education.

The main Conference theme was International Education in the UK and Asia Pacific region: How to pursue equity in an inequitable world. Wider insights discussed included diversity, sustainability, gender balance and student mobility.

The big topics of conversation at the IELTS stand were the continuing value of international education, the importance of internationally recognised standards, and the importance of collaboration both regionally and globally to strengthen higher education institutions.