How does IELTS for UKVI Life Skills work?
You will take the test with an examiner, and with one other test taker.
The test will take around 20 minutes.
The tasks in IELTS for UKVI Life Skills are designed to reflect the everyday experience of communicating in a country where English is spoken. You will be expected to take part in short discussions on everyday subjects including:
- personal details/experiences
- family and friends
- buying goods
- work
- health
- leisure
- education/training
- transport
- housing
- weather.
There are three available levels of the test, assessed at the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR).

Take IELTS for UKVI Life Skills A1 if you need to prove your English proficiency as part of your application to UK Visas and Immigration for visas that are for the ‘family of a settled person’.
Take IELTS for UKVI Life Skills A2 if you need to prove your English proficiency as part of your application to UK Visas and Immigration for a visa that is for ‘extension to a family, spouse or partner’. (The A2-level English Life Skills test is only offered in the UK.)
Take IELTS for UKVI Life Skills B1 if you need to prove your English proficiency as part of your application to UK Visas and Immigration for ‘citizenship or indefinite leave to remain’.
At each level, the test is designed to assess whether you can listen and respond, make your meaning clear, and talk with other people.

IELTS for UKVI Life Skills CEFR level A1
UK Visas and Immigration for visas that are for the ‘family of a settled person’.
For level A1 you will be expected to:
- listen and respond to spoken language including simple narratives, statements, questions and single-step instructions
- communicate basic information, feelings and opinions on familiar topics
- talk with another person in a familiar situation about familiar topics.
Tasks may include:
- describing
- giving opinions
- giving personal information
- stating preferences
- commenting
- asking for information or descriptions
- agreeing and disagreeing
- explaining, giving reasons or justifying
- deciding
- suggesting
- selecting.

IELTS for UKVI Life Skills CEFR level A2
UK Visas and Immigration for a visa that is for ‘extension to a family, spouse or partner’.
For level A2 you will be expected to:
- listen and respond to spoken language, including straightforward information, short narratives, explanations and instructions
- communicate information, feelings and opinions on familiar topics
- talk with one or more people in a familiar situation, to establish shared understanding about familiar topics.
In addition to the A1 tasks shown above, the A2 tasks may include:
- comparing
- prioritising
- planning
- persuading.

IELTS Life Skills CEFR level B1
UK Visas and Immigration for ‘citizenship or indefinite leave to remain’.
For level B1 you will be expected to:
- listen and respond to spoken language, including straightforward information and narratives, and follow straightforward explanations and instructions
- communicate information, feelings and opinions on familiar topics, using appropriate formality
- talk with one or more people in a familiar situation, making relevant points and responding to what others say to reach a shared understanding about familiar topics.
In addition to the A1 and A2 tasks shown above, the B1 tasks may include:
- showing contrast, cause, reason or purpose
- narrating
- asking about past or future events
- expressing future certainty or possibility.